sms shortcuts

4YEO for your eyes only IOU1 i owe you 1
2D to delete IOW in other words
2G4Y too good for you IRL in real life
4E forever IWALU I will always love you
AAK asleep at keyboard J4F just for fun
AFAIK as far as I know J4I just for information
AFK away from keyboard JAD just another day
ASAP as soon as possible JAM just a minute
AT always tomorrow JAS just a second
ATW at the weekend JK just kidding
AWHFY Are we having fun yet? JMO just my opinion
AYOR at your own risc J2LYK just to let you know
bg big grin KC keep cool
BBB bye bye baby KIT keep in touch
BB4E bye bye forever KMS killing me softly
BBFN bye bye for now KOTC kiss on the cheek
BBL be back later KOTL kiss on the lips
BBN bye bye now L8R later
BBS be back soon LG lovely greetings
BCDHM be careful, don't hurt me LHM Lord help me
BF boy-friend LHU Lord help us
BH blockhead LL&P Live long and in prosper!
BION believe it or not LMHO laughing my head off
BMHWB be my hot-water bottle LOL lots of laughing/lots of love
BNSCD but now something completely different LSHMBIB laughing so hard my belly is bouncing
BRB be right back LSHMBH laughing so hard my belly hurts
BTW by the way LTM laughing to myself
BWL bursting with laughter LTNS long time no see
C&G chuckle and grin LUTA let us talking again
CB Ciao Bella/bello LYWAMH love you wih all my heart
CIBM Could it be magic? LY love you
CID crying in disgrace MC Merry Christmas
CM call me MCAAHNY Merry Christmas and a happy new year
CMM change(d) my mind MCIBTY my computer is better than yours
CONP continued on next page MG many greetings
COFR cry out for revenge MM mail me
CP chat post MTF more to follow
CPF Can pigs fly? MU miss you
CSG chuckle, snicker, grin N4E never forever
CU see you NA no access
CUIAL see you in another live NALOPKT not a lot of people know that
CUL see you later NC no comment
CUT see you tomorrow NES never ending story
DAE dreams are empty NN nothing new
DAK dead at keyboard NP no problem
DK don't know NRN no reply necessary
DLTBBB don't let the bed bugs bite NSN never say never
DLMBM don't let me be misunderstood NT no trust
DLYVM don't like you very much NU need you
DOM dirty old man NWO no way out
DPWM don't play with me O4U only for you
DTRT do the right thing OIC oh, I see
DUR Do you remember? OL Ol' Lady (wife)
DYSWIS do you see what I see OM Ol' Man (husband)
DWBH don't worry be happy OOSOOM out of sight, out of mind
DWIM do what I mean OTOH on the other hand
E2EG ear to ear grin OTTOMH off the top of my head
EMSG E-mail MeSsaGe PC private chat
EOD end of discussion PDS Please, don't shoot!
EOL end of lecture PM private message
F2F face to face PMFJI pardon me for jumping in
FDROTFL faling down, rolling on the floor laughing PMIGBOM put mind in gear before opening mouth
FLCH feels like coming home PMP peed my pants
FMM fresh my mind POAHF put on a happy face
FOAC fall over an cry POOF left the chatroom in a puff of smoke
FOTCL falling off the chair laughing QSL reply
FOTKL falling on the keyboard laughing QSO conversation
FTL faster than light QT Q-Tip/cutie
FTBOMH from the bottom of my heart RL real life
FUD fear, uncertainty and doubt RLAD read, love and die
FWIW for what it's worth ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing
FYA for your amusement ROTFUTS rolling on the floor unable to speak
FYE for your entertainment ROTFWTIME rolling on the floor with tears in my eyes
FYI for your information RTFM read the ****ing manual
grin RUOK Are you ok?
GA go ahead SC stay cool
GAGA go amused, go amazed SFE2E smiling from ear to ear
GAL get a life SNERT snot-nosedegotistical rude teenager
GF girl-friend SNU sender needs you
GFN gone for now SO significant other
GIGO garbage in, garbage out SOL sooner or later
GLGH good luck and good hunting SOT short of time
GLIW got lost in web SOTMG short of time must go
GMBA giggling my butt off SWAK sealed with a kiss
GMTA great minds think alike SWL screaming with laughter
GOK God only knows SYS see you soon
GOOML get out of my life TA thanks again
GOWI get on with it TAC times are changing
GTSY glad to see you TAF that's all folks
H2SYS hope to see you soon TILII tell it like it is
H&K hugs and kisses TIME tears in my eyes
HABU have a better un' TMS touch my soul
HB happy birthday TNT till next time
HB2U happy birthday to you TOY thinking of you
HAGN have a good night TP turn pale
HAND have a nice day TT till tomorrow
HANT have a nice time T2YL talk to you later
HF have fun TUVM thank you very much
HHIS hanging head in shame UAD you are drunk
HSIK how should I know UBD user brain damage
HTH hope that helps UMMC you make ma crazy
HUMM hope you miss me UMML you make me laugh
IAC in any case UNAST you need a special training
IC I see VBG very big grin
IGP I gotta pee W4U waiting for you
IGTP I got the power wb welcome back
IHA I hate abbreviations WT without thinking
IHU I hate you WTH Who the heck?/What the hell?
IITRT it is the right time WUWH wish you were here
IKU I kill you Y! typically male
ILU I love you YAFIYGI you ask for it, you got it
IMO in my opinion YBL You'll be sorry!
IMHO in my humble opinion YG young gentleman
IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion YL young lady
IMPOV in my point of view YM young man

To be included:
OTW = Outta this World
OTFW = Outta this f-ing world
OTRW = Outta the real world

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